The Hikerdelic Journal

Radio Hikerdelic #10

Radio Hikerdelic #10

A brand new blend of Sweet Music to take your mind on The Trip to Sugar Town. Whether you're an It Girl Out on the Weekend or your just Out of Time Man. It's not Easy but regardless, The Beat Goes On.   

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Planting trees with every order

Planting trees with every order

In partnership with the good people at Switch2zero, we've decided for every order we take, we'll plant a tree. As a brand, we reference the great outdoors and nature quite a lot. It can be a challenge to grow a business while at the same time do the right thing for the planet. Every decision has implications but having done our research and worked out how best to proceed, we believe this is the best way to make a meaningful start in acknowledging our responsibility as a business to minimise our impact on earth.As we continue to implement these changes, we're pleased to have the expertise of Switch2zero as our trusted partner. With them we're able to make a tangible impact on reforestation through tree planting, contributing towards a healthier planet. It's also nice for our customers to be part of that process. Earth Day Starting today, for every purchase made on our platform, we will be planting a tree through Switch2zero. This means that each time you shop with us, you're not only getting the items your ordered but also actively participating in creating a greener and more habitable planet. As it happens, today is Earth Day, which makes it a good one to start on. The Power of Trees: Carbon Sequestration Trees are nature's superheroes when it comes to fighting climate change. They play a crucial role in absorbing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere through a process called carbon sequestration. This not only helps mitigate climate change but also improves air quality and supports biodiversity. Every tree planted through our partnership with Switch2zero will sequester an estimated 0.2 metric tons of CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent) over its lifetime. This impressive carbon sequestration potential demonstrates the long-lasting environmental impact each tree can make. By planting trees through Switch2zero, we are directly contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, as each tree will in the future actively remove CO2 from the atmosphere. Together, we can make a substantial difference and create a sustainable future for generations to come. So, in summary... With every purchase, you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that you're contributing to the planting of trees, improving air quality, supporting biodiversity, and mitigating human-induced climate change. Together, we can achieve remarkable results and create positive change.We believe in transparency and accountability. Lots of brands out there claim to be doing their bit, and many are. We're late to the party on that, but what's important here is we're honest about what we are doing. We aren't going to change the world on our own, but if we do our bit and continue to explore ways we can contribute, that's the least we can do. We will regularly share updates on the number of trees planted and the positive impact we're collectively making through our partnership with Switch2zero.   

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The Rain Falls Hard... The Mucker Jacket

The Rain Falls Hard... The Mucker Jacket

The rain falls hard on a humdrum town... Well, it does if you're based where we are, a city with a reputation for precipitation.It always seems to rain in Manchester though our rudimentary research tells us it rarely features in the top ten for UK Cities when it comes to rainfall, so make of that what you will. Regardless of your source of meteorological information, we can all agree April in the UK isn't shy of a big squeezing out of clouds and the chance of rain is always present. That's why we're pretty please/proud to share a bit more info on our Mucker Jacket today. It takes its name from the colloquial term for 'friend', and that's on purpose. If you're on any journey, short of long, you want a companion you can rely on, and ideally one who makes you look pretty cool. We've tried to ensure our Mucker is the clothing equivalent of your best pal. Coming in two colours, the Mucker is designed to be that trans-seasonal outerwear piece you can throw on without worrying too much about studying the forecast. It'll serve you well in most wet weather situations. The Cobalt Blue is proper blue. It's the colour we want the sky to be for the next few months, ideally. Although if it is that colour, the need for suave outerwear such as this may be negated. So don't hope too much. However, regardless of the setting or season, this is one of the best jackets we've ever produced, by our reckoning. Also arriving in a mixture of Taupe and Lime (which sounds like a lively cocktail), it's appropriately summery without needing to be in your face bright colours. In all, we're immensely proud of this and the fact we're able to offer it for an affordable price is even more gratifying. See all Outerwear here

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