Who are you? - Tom Kristopher

As we continue to give you a glimpse behind the brand, today we're going to introduce you to the man behind some of our most recent graphic tees, our little animated social media bits and the office K-Pop enthusiast.

Tom is from our native Stockport which is clearly in his favour, though he was born in the Philipines, which means he's not weighed down by a love for viaducts, pyramids or lower league football teams. 

Unlike some of the other people in the team, Tom is a morning person, so it probably makes sense that he's first up in this series of short interviews with the people behind Hikerdelic. Here he is as a toddler, looking a lot like a very cool girl.

Who are you?

Tom Kristopher Camay Galbo

What do you do?

I don’t know but I try my best (aka Graphic Designer).

Where are you from originally?

Philippines – Pinoy ako.

What does a normal day look like to you?

I wake up at 4am to fight the demons in the house before everyone wakes up (demons come out at 3am) and then go to the gym which is a 40-minute walk away. I then walk back home. I take a shower. I take a bus into town to go to a café to read before work. I then work. I then go home. I then am at home so I can sing to myself.

Where is your favourite place in the outdoors?

Honestly, as I used to just stay at home when I was younger, anywhere is great – but maybe like an open field with an area of trees. Basically, a nice picnic- able field would be ideal.

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

Teleportation – but if everyone else says this one as it is clearly the only right answer, then being Musically Gifted.

Favourite Hikerdelic item?

I really like the ‘Khaki Conway Smock’ and wouldn’t mind having it on my desk when I come in the next day (Size XS). But in terms of what I wear most frequently, it would the Cactus Tee in White.

When did you first hear about Hikerdelic?

Honestly, when I started working here – but in my defence, before I get fired, I never really looked at brands before working here so its excusable. But at least I’m expecting an XS ‘Khaki Conway Smock’ soon.

Tell us a joke.

I don’t want to, Mark says enough.

What is the third to last picture on your camera roll? Show us. 


Do you want anyone to follow you on social media? If so, where can you be located?
