Hikerdelic Inner Circle: Goblyn Crew

Get to know the artist behind the Dark Peaks t-shirt; meet Dan, An illustrator and goblin enthusiast turned tattoo artist
Where does the name Goblyn Crew come from?
I started drawing goblin characters and created a world around them, I started posting them on Instagram and people started sending me their versions of my characters that they had drawn, after a while I decided that they needed a name - Goblyn Crew.

How did you get into tattooing?
I used to do freelance illustration. I spent time in tattoo shops getting tattooed and talking to artists and one thing lead to another.
Tell us about your signature style and what is your favourite kind of work to tattoo on people?
My work is heavily influenced by traditional tattoos, skateboarding, cartoons, video games and vintage toys.
My favourite work to tattoo is custom ideas that clients have thought I could help create.

What is your creative process when designing a graphic
For a T-shirt design or a logo etc I usually start with a rough sketch on paper/iPad and pull up a load of reference images. I tend to draw with a general idea in mind and see where it ends up. Then I make a final line-work design and add colour then usually take it into photoshop and illustrator to make the final vectorised image.
What does a good start to the day look like for you?